Without God’s work, all our efforts would be in vain. Therefore, your prayers for the organisers, the speakers and, of course, the students/participants of this conference would be greatly appreciated.

Also, in order for this conference to be as affordable and accessible as possible for students (entrance fee and books at reduced prices), we depend on donations from individuals, organisations and local churches. Could you consider making a financial gift in order to contribute to this conference, and therefore to seeing students equipped and encouraged to proclaim the gospel with faithfulness and zeal?

If you would like to support this conference financially, you can make a donation by clicking on the button below or by making a bank transfer to the GBU, indicating "donation for HERAUTS". Here are the bank details to do this:

Amis des GBU A.S.B.L.
Avenue A. J. Slegers 96
1200 Bruxelles

IBAN : BE76 9735 0808 2495

Thank you for your support!




To be able to serve the students as well as we possibly can at HÉRAUTS, we depend on the help of volunteers (who aren’t students) the day before and on the day itself.

If you are able to give an hour or two of your time to help with some of the practical tasks, please let us know below. We will contact you with more details.

For information, the event will take place on Saturday 8 February 2025, at the following address:

Boulevard du Souverain 220
1160 Brussels